Saturday, September 8, 2012

LAD/Blog #2: "Peter Zenger"

1) Peter Zenger was the editor and printer of the New York Weekly Journal (hired in 1733).
2) The controversy that arose that eventually led to Zenger's charges, was the fact that the Weekly Journal was putting out many, many articles in opposition to the Governor of Colonial New York, William Cosby. Hamilton "admitted that Zenger published the offending stories, but denied that it was libel unless it was false." He also made an "eloquent appeal to the jury to judge both the law and the facts."
3) The finding of Zenger being 'not guilty', established "truth as a defense against libel" and was a "landmark victory for freedom of the press." It also set a "precedent against judicial tyranny in libel suits."
4) The lasting significance of this trial, is that Hamilton affirmed Freedom of the Press, which allows newspapers, magazines, television and many more press-related functions today, to relay any true information to the public that they can get their hands on.

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