Wednesday, September 26, 2012

LAD/Blog #7: "The Proclamation of Neutrality 1793/Washington's Farewell Address 1796"

The Proclamation of Neutrality 1793

In this Proclamation, Washington addressed the war that was occurring between Austria, Prussia, Sardinia, Great Britain and the United Netherlands versus France. He stated that all citizens of the U.S. should avoid all actions that may contravene such disposition in any way, and that if they do commit such actions, they will not receive the protection of the United States. Anyone to commit those actions would also be prosecuted as a betrayer under the law of United States government.

Washington's Farewell Address 1796

Washington wrote this address to  inform the citizens of the fact that he would not wish to be re-elected for a third term as president, and why he had chosen not to do so. He informed the people that he didn't choose this path out of lack of respect for them, but because he wished to go into retirement. After his first term in office, he was reluctant to run again for the presidency. He had wanted to go into retirement then, instead of now. The reason he didn't go into retirement after his first term, was because he wanted to ensure the nation was in good standings before he left office, and in the state that the country was in, he couldn't stand to abandon his country. Washington also felt that could now retire because he had highly contributed to the organization and administration of the government, and the country was now stable enough to have a new president elected, and still be very successful with what he has laid out for the next leader. He also believed that the country was very strong and secure because each part of the country could depend on one another for trading and success. He also made it clear that he believed in the unity of the states as a whole, and expressed the need for the country to stay united, no matter what may happen. He also believed that if the states stuck with what they believed in, and maintained their good morals, they wouldn't fail. He also portrayed his belief in the quality of the Constitution, and how important he believed it was to follow it. He warned of people who did not beleive in the Constitution, because those people could ruin the country's unity, and become the cause of riots and unrest throughout the states. In the last few lines of his address, he made sure to acknowledge the importance of the country remaining neutral, concluding with his belief in the good laws that had been set under a free government.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

LAD/Blog #6: "Republican Motherhood"

1.) The Revolutionary War was important to the development of a Republican Motherhood, because the revolution brought about a strong feeling of pride for their country, or patriotism. Women were given the important job of bringing up their children and giving them a proper education so that future generations would be of the highest quality that they could be. This was referred to in Document A.
2.) The consequences of women because of the Republican Motherhood, were the pressures that women faced in order to raise their children in a 'legitimate sphere' and to educate their children to be the future leaders and soldiers, as referred to in Document A. Also, the women were judged as to to degree of education they were given, to see if they could give a good enough education to their children (Document B). Another pressure put on the women was the fact that Jonathan Stearns believed that the future of the nation now lay in the hands of its women (Document D).
3.) Women's Socialization increased due to the Republican Motherhood, because they were more knowledgeable and could therefore carry on conversation of higher intellect with their male counterparts. In Document D, it is brought about that women had power not only inside the walls of their household, but among society as well. It also became that women had the greatest power of all over society and the people of the Americas.

1.) The setting of this piece, is almost that of a home. It seems to be set in the living room of the household because of the togetherness of the family.
2.) The women is the center of this portrait. The women looks relaxed and caring. She doesn't look aristocratic on this painting because she seems more relaxed and less controlling than someone of an aristocracy. She seems that she has been treated with equality, but has not been given total control.
3.) Her sons exhibit knowledge, poise, respect, and a good upbringing. They seem to have been disciplined in a way that made them well behaved, yet not completely unchildlike in the way they are composed. The baby seems more innocent and lively in the movement of his arms, as well as displaying his youth in not knowing correct posture at this point in his life.
4.) Mrs. Tilgham's arm seems to be positioned in order to protect her son. She seems to be securing the baby, so that he won't fall or try to get away, as well as asserting her power over them as a mother. She also displays a sense of pride that she has in her sons, and the high-quality education that she has given to them in their upbringing.

Monday, September 24, 2012

LAD/Blog #5: "The Federalist #10"

1.) Factions are so difficult to eliminate because in order to eliminate them, the liberty of the people would have to be eliminated.
2.) Factions could be controlled by having the government become a Republic.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

LAD/Blog #4: "Revolution Article"

5 things I learned from the article: "Rethinking the Revolution"
1.) Today, many see the War of Independence in America as a less demanding/painful/costly/vital war than the Civil War.
2.) Founding Fathers were among the first to recognize that history could be used to manipulate how the past would be remembered.
3.) Supposedly, George Washington and Benjamin Franklin conducted all the policy negotiations, legislatures, and war.
4.) For the Civil War, the most remembered people were military men, whereas in the American Revolution, those most remembered were civilian leaders.
5.) Suffering during the Revolutionary War and WWI was downplayed, because of the much greater amounts of lives lost to WWII and the Civil War.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

LAD/Blog #3: "Declaration of Independence"

1.) Some democratic principles included in the Declaration of Independence are: that all men are created equal, that all people have certain unalienable rights, and that governments are instituded among men, while getting those powers from the consent of the governed.
2.) Some grievances listed in Declaration include, "He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good" and "He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained; and, when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them."
3.) In the conclusion of the Declaration of Independence, the representatives of the United States of America solemnly published and declared that the United Colonies had the right to be free and independent states and to be removed from the powerful hands of the British crown.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

LAD/Blog #2: "Peter Zenger"

1) Peter Zenger was the editor and printer of the New York Weekly Journal (hired in 1733).
2) The controversy that arose that eventually led to Zenger's charges, was the fact that the Weekly Journal was putting out many, many articles in opposition to the Governor of Colonial New York, William Cosby. Hamilton "admitted that Zenger published the offending stories, but denied that it was libel unless it was false." He also made an "eloquent appeal to the jury to judge both the law and the facts."
3) The finding of Zenger being 'not guilty', established "truth as a defense against libel" and was a "landmark victory for freedom of the press." It also set a "precedent against judicial tyranny in libel suits."
4) The lasting significance of this trial, is that Hamilton affirmed Freedom of the Press, which allows newspapers, magazines, television and many more press-related functions today, to relay any true information to the public that they can get their hands on.

LAD/Blog #1: "Mayflower Compact and Fundamental Orders of Connecticut"

1) Some of the main concepts of the Mayflower Compact are combine themselves together into a civil Body Politick in order to better their Ordering, Preservation and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid, and to enact, constitute and frame such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions, and Officers from time to time for the general Good of the Colony.
2) The Mayflower Compact reflects aspects of the Old World by subscribing their names at Cape-Cod in the Reign of their Sovereign Lord, King James. It reflects the aspects of the New World by wanting to enact, constitute, and frame, just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions, and Officers, from time to time, "as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general Good of the Colony."
3) The Fundamental Orders differ from the Mayflower Compact in which there should be an orderly and decent Government established according to God, to order and "dispose of the affairs of the people at all seasons as occasion shall require." This document contains much more of a religious focus than the Mayflower Compact, whereas the Compact was more focused on developing a New World undeer the rule of their Lord, King James.
4) The reason that the colonists of Connecticut use a written constitution, is because the word of God requires it to maintain the peace and union of the people.
5) One significant way the Orders show a fear of the increasing power in one or a few people is the fact that one person can only be governor once every two years. Another example of this is that each town was to have power, by sending four freemen each to every general court meeting, so that all of the people have power and not just one governing person, or body of persons.